Friday 19 July 2013

Week 2 Led Practice

This week's led practice was certainly more enjoyable than my first one...I knew what to expect from Saraswathi and her overall rhythm of the class. I was also able to remember details about the closing practice, which seem to vary from teacher to teacher:

Urdhva dhanurasana: 5 counts for each repetition
Pascimattanasana: 10 counts
Sarvangasana: 10 counts
Halasana: 8 counts
Karna pidasana: 8 counts
Urdhva padmasana: 8 counts
Pindasana: 8 counts
Matsyasana: 8 counts
Uttana padasana: 8 counts
Sirsasana: 15 counts/half bend: 10 counts
Baddha padmasana: 10 counts
Yoga mudra: 10 counts
Utpluthih: 10 counts

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