Monday 8 July 2013

Day 4 - First Practice

First day of practice was great! Intense energy in the Shala. Saraswathi has a watchful eye, especially when you're the new person.

I waited for her to help me bind in mari D since I'm unable to do it on my own and I wanted to continue with the rest of the primary series. At the beginning of the closing series, I did my three backbends and then stood up at the front of my mat and patiently waited for drop back assists. With the drop-backs, she'll have you do three half backbends and then assist you all the way down on the fourth. On the last drop-back she'll have you hold urdhva dhanurasana for 5 breaths before coming back up. The key is to wait if you need help. There are so many students, but she does a fantastic job of getting around to everyone.  Sharath is around...I guess he pops in from time to time to help assist.

After practice the coconut stand is right outside the Shala...15 Rps buys you the best tasting coconut water.

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