Monday 22 July 2013

Ooty & Coonoor

Moon day came right after our day of rest (which is Sunday for Saraswathi, so we had Sunday and Monday off). I was lucky enough to plan an excursion without missing practice. I decided to go to Coonoor, which is right outside of Ooty to see the tea plantations. The 5 hour bus ride to Ooty was worth the trip alone. The bus took us through the Bhanipur National Park and a few mountain villages where the scenery was absolutely beautiful.  Once in Ooty, we took a 30 minute bus ride up the tea plantation hills of Ooty all the way to Coonoor. I ended up staying at the Acres Wild Farm home-stay where they made there own cheeses and the home-cooked Indian meals. The rooms were spacious and rustic. Evenings included large bison sleeping near the house and my new friend Spencer, an incredibly large arachnid who lived in the bathroom. Room came equipped with stories from the owner about tea workers being chased by wild elephants and boars. 

I was able to go to a tea factory and spent some time learning how tea is made. I was also delighted to take part in the tea and organic chocolate tasting. 

You’re higher up in elevation, so bring a rain jacket, sweater and some closed-toe shoes or hiking shoes. An umbrella isn't a bad idea either. The temperature is a little cooler than Mysore. I left after the guided primary series on Saturday and returned on Monday. Total trip time one way was about 6 hours...if you take one of those more expensive private buses it will probably be shorter with fewer stops. There aren't any bathrooms on the public bus, but they generally make at least one stop. Sometimes the stop will include a ladies bathroom, sometimes it won' be prepared for that.  

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