Monday 15 July 2013

Particular Poses

I believe that many of you who are thinking about going to Mysore or have been practicing Ashtanga yoga know about the stickler know, the ones that allow you to continue through the primary series or receive a pose from the intermediate series. I found that Saraswathi is a stickler about the following poses below. It's highly recommended to work on them a few times in a row and/or wait for her assistance before moving on. It's not perfection she's looking for, she just wants you to work on them with her assistance. There are many people here who cannot bind in Marichasana D and are allowed to progress through the primary series. So no worries if you're at that stage.

Marichasana B
Marichasana D
Supta Kurmasana
Urdhva Danurasana dropbacks

Saraswathi will always assist you in Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana whether you want it or's just her thing!

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