Sunday 7 July 2013

Day 1 - July 6th

When I arrived in Germany, I realized I had 55 minutes to get to my connection to Bangalore. It suddenly dawned on me that the likelihood of my checked bag making it to Bangalore was slim to none...this should be interesting. However, I packed an extra carry-on of small toiletries and extra clothes just in case this happened. If I didn't have my bag by the start of class, I would just buy a yoga rug somewhere.

I had time to send Krishna Murthy an email letting him know that I made all of my connections and re-re-confirm my airport pickup.

If I had it to do over again, I would have booked a ticket with more time between flights. Perhaps I would have stayed in Germany for one night and then leave the next day for Bangalore. Total hours flying: 18 hours. Total time between all flights: 2 hours.

After customs there was a Lufthansa sign with my name on it asking me to come to the baggage counter...yep, my bag didn't make it. The lady was really nice and told me I would have my bag the next day. They sent me to a foreign exchange counter where the airport gave me 4,000 Rps for my troubles...that was cool, but would my bag really make it to Mysore?

My driver was waiting outside with a sign and my name on it!

Have you ever been in a taxi in Italy? If not, you're in for a ride. There's no traffic enforcement or speed limit for that matter (maybe there is, but I don't think anyone cares). Plus, they all drive on the left side of the road. You probably won't sleep much on the way to Mysore.

If you've never been anyplace other than a 1st world country, prepare yourself for the overall urban appearance, sounds and smells. I noticed some people were affected by the poverty and trash while others were affected by the smells. I noticed one yoga student leaving two weeks early because she "had enough." Mysore isn't a resort and if you're expecting that, you'll be very disappointed.

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