Monday 12 August 2013

Map to Saraswathi's Shala

Just in case you're studying with Saraswathi during the Shala "high" season, here's the map to her Shala below. If it's your first time getting to Saraswathi's Shala, I would take 8th Cross (past KPJAYI) to 4th Main and walk straight down to her Shala which will be on your right hand side. I went to her Shala a few times (one of her assistants is a former pastry chef and has bake sales every Saturday). I kept missing the unmarked left turn.

Friday 9 August 2013

Last Thoughts


I've had a few private emails concerning the decision to travel alone to India. I was a little nervous, but I also had experience traveling to the Middle East and living overseas for a few years. I met another single female traveler who had never been to a foreign country before and she found her way to and from Mysore just fine. I felt very safe living in Gokalum, Mysore, but I was always aware of my surroundings when walking alone. So, I guess traveling to India solo depends on your personal comfort level. I met Shala students who came with friends or their significant others and ended up leaving early because they were uncomfortable with the area. I guess you won't know until you get here.
In my checked baggage, I packed a pepper spray/alarm device, but I take that even when traveling to Europe alone.

What I Learned

I highly recommend traveling to Mysore to study yoga. If you teach yoga, it will give you a different perspective on how you teach. Do you tend to dress up your yoga classes to fulfill the student's constant craving for entertainment or are you teaching in an authentic way that aligns your values with your actions? There was something so authentic about experiencing, listening, and watching how the Ashtanga Yoga system is taught. It even forced me to question how the West addresses discomfort, pain and injury in yoga classes. While Saraswathi was very understanding about the injuries of various students, she was also very stern about discomfort and pain being a part of the learning experience, and if you're listening to your body, you won't injure yourself. There were some moments in the practice where it was painful...not in a way that would injure myself, but in a "I have to work really hard at this and I would rather be in bed" kind of way. The yoga is not the incredibly hard pose that I'm experiencing, but the decision I made to get out of bed and practice when I new it was going to be hard...

Hopefully this blog is helpful and will encourage you to make the trip to Mysore.


Monday 5 August 2013

The Post Office

An acquaintance of mine recently went to the post office to send some gifts he bought while in India. He spent well over what I payed for a month of rent, but figured he had a lot of heavy things to send. I, on the other hand, had a few books and a Shala rug. I probably could have fit it in my carry-on, but I didn't feel like carrying it through three different airports.

There's a post office on 10th Main (just after Anu's on the left hand side, house #325). Like most shops in Gokalum, it opens around 10:00 am. This office only sends letters, so if you need to send a box you'll have to go to the Main Post Office in Mysore. Any rickshaw driver will be able to get you there and back.

There's no need to pre-package or go around looking for boxes. Once you arrive at the Main Post Office, go to the main entrance and there will be a desk and someone who will package all of your items on the spot. Make sure you bring (or have memorized) your "from" address, which will be the hotel/apartment you're staying at in Mysore. The cost of packaging will be added on to your final bill inside the actual post office (60 Rps).

You'll be directed to one of the stations where you'll fill out 3 custom forms and the package will be weighed. I had a small box under 10 pounds, so I wasn't too worried about the cost. I read some old blogs online that said shipping a box to the United States from India was relatively cheap. I was expecting to pay no more than 1000 Rps for ground post and delivery in 2-3 months. This is where I was wrong and luckily had brought my stash of rupees I saved for my car ride back to Bangalore airport. I paid over 3,000 Rps...and they had already packaged and taken the box back to the mail room before I even paid. These are prices you can expect to pay in the United States for international shipping. My advice, try to stuff it in your suitcase. Or, if you bought a lot of items, it may be more fiscally savvy to purchase an extra duffel bag in Mysore and just check it in at the airport.

Last time I checked, Lufthansa economy flights from the United Stated to India are allowed 2 checked bags weighing up to 23 Kg each. If you exceed the number of free baggage allowed, you'll end up spending about the same for extra baggage fees, but will have your items with you.

Here's a good website to check the rate of shipping at the post office:

Here's another good website for Lufthansa and baggage restrictions:

Sunday 4 August 2013

Mysore Palace Lights

This is definitely worth the trip while you're in Mysore. The Mysore Palace lights are lit on Sundays after 6:00 pm or 7:00 pm. If you want to see the lights turn-on, it's best to get their early and double check the turn-on times with the locals. Otherwise, an evening drive after dinner is perfect. Entrance is free and you'll see many families enjoying the evening.

Gandhi Square - RRR Hotel Restaurant

The Indian version of "all you can eat" in Gandhi Square. Once in the Gandhi Square round-a-bout, look for the sign that says RRR Hotel. Right underneath the sign you'll see the entrance to the restaurant and seating is first come first serve. They serve chicken, mutton as well as vegetarian dishes. Servers come around dishing out portions of unlimited rice and whatever you ordered off the menu. Really good food...and you'll be dining off of banana leaves!

Saturday 3 August 2013

Anu's Cooking Class

If you want to learn about Indian cooking...Anu's has a great cooking class which can be scheduled on Saturdays. They will need a minimum of 5 people in attendance, but if you cannot get that many people, Anu and Ganesh can help with that
as well. We had 9 people total and learned how to make paneer, palak paneer, channa masala as well as a special request for parathas. We also learned about the traditional Indian spices. After we learned how the dishes were made, we got to eat well as a rice pudding dessert!

Cost: 450 Rps per person

Address: #367 2nd Main Road, Gokulam, Mysore,

Friday 2 August 2013

Last Led Practice

At the end of practice, Saraswathi spoke to us about the importance of breathing, drishti and taking our time in the postures:

She said a student can be in a posture and appear to be very flexible and strong, but if they're not breathing or focusing their gaze, they're not in the correct posture. Saraswathi was also adamant about waiting for a pose to be given to you and not asking for more poses. She said that when she see's you breathing and gazing correctly in a posture, then she will give you a new pose.